Fiesta of Lights (2022) for String Orchestra

Fiesta of Lights (2022) for String Orchestra
Available as an INSTANT PDF Digital Download.
Includes full set (score & parts), and audio/mp3.
To purchase the SCORE ONLY, please click HERE
Grade: 2.5
Duration: 2:28
Violin 1, Violin 2, Violin 3 (Viola T.C.), Cello, Double Bass, Optional Percussion I, Optional Percussion II
Fiesta of Lights adds a Latin twist and combines O Chanukah and Dreidle in a fun, new way which includes tango version of O Chanukah and a cha cha version of Dreidle. Optional percussion parts are included to create an even richer experience.
Listen to Fiesta of Lights below:
Browse the score
(Click on score or use left & right arrows to turn the pages)